【同义词辨析】 2020-07-24 群组group-lot

group: implies some unifying relationship and ordinarily a degree of physical closeness: a ~ of people waiting for a bus.     group buying/purchasing购, group discussions分组讨论working groups工作ethnic/religious groups民族族/信

cluster: basically refers to a group of things growing together: a ~ of grapes; but it is often extended to persons or things that form small groups especially within larger masses: cataloging ~s of stars. 如计算机集群computer cluster花团锦簇flowers in clusters簇clusters of stars    

bunch: is likely to imply a natural or homogeneous association of similar things or persons: a ~ of bananas.     强调自然、相似、均匀,如a bunch of grapes/keys/flowers/stuff一葡萄/钥匙/一鲜花/一活儿

parcel: is likely to convey an impression of disapproval: the whole story was a ~ of lies.  一派谎言          另一个意思是(特别是邮递的)包裹something wrapped in paper especially sent by post如there's a parcel and some letters for you有你的一个包裹和几封信,如food parcels食品包裹

lot: applies to persons or things that are associated or that have to be dealt with as a whole: the books were sold in ~s.

group群组: 表示各成员有共同之处(unifying relationship统一),如位置接近,cluster群簇: 指生长在一起的群组,特别是大群体里的一个个小组,bunch一捆一堆: 指自然相似均匀,parcel一包: 含贬义不赞成,lot一件: 指作为整体不可再分

记忆方法: 1)首字母GCBPL中的BG想成8个PLC是警察police三个音节开头,8个警察<==一个群组          ""本意指"丝带","且"表示物品,糸且合用表示用丝为贯穿把物品连接统合,如组合组织组建组成小组分组组曲组诗一组电池       "",从羊君声,本义指"牲畜聚合一处",泛指同类相聚,引申为众多的意思,如人群羊群集群建筑群成群结队群起群购群贤毕至群众     ""从人从牛,本义是"分解分开",说文中说"牛大物故可分"。表示事物或者作量词时,保留了强烈的"被分开因而独立"的暗示,如一件事一件衣服文件证件lot一件


        3)群组的意思是不同成员组成的集合mean a collection or assemblage of separate units.首字母GCBPL中的BG想成8个PLC是警察police三个音节开头,8个警察<==一个群组     assemblage集合汇聚,来自词根SEMBL表示same, alike相似相同,等于assembly